10. februar 2021

Ny kampagne skal tiltrække højtkvalificeret arbejdskraft til Danmark

Erhverv Aarhus er partner i det landsdækkende projekt Talent to Denmark. Projektet vil på nationalt plan skabe en koordineret indsats for talenttiltrækning, modtagelse og fastholdelse.

I regi af projekt Talent to Denmark gennemføres der en række kampagner for at tiltrække højtkvalificeret arbejdskraft. Du kan være en del af disse.

Are you struggling to find qualified candidates?

You are not alone! Join other companies with similar recruitment needs in our campaign to attract international experienced specialists.

The State of Denmark campaign targets experienced specialists within software development and software engineering as well as Green Tech specialists, who are currently living outside of Greater Copenhagen or Denmark.

"We've participated in campaigns such as Talent to Denmark with great success. The main reason for employing internationals was to expand the talent pool from which we hired people. That's why we've looked all over the world for people who meet our requirements."

Søren Ulrikkehølm, Director of Operations, Shape A/S

For more information about the campaign, please contact Merete Sandager, Senior Talent Attraction Manager, email: msa@copcap.com.